
Double your sales efficiency in twelve months or less

Posted by on 12-Aug-2015 in Uncategorised | 0 comments

Double your sales efficiency in twelve months or less

Most companies treat their sales as a black box. They feed leads in and get orders out without truly understanding what is happening inside the sales process. The result? Unpredictable revenue, high cost of sales and low profit.

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Convert better and faster.
Make the most of your CRM.

Posted by on 7-Aug-2015 in Uncategorised | 0 comments

Convert better and faster. Make the most of your CRM.

Most sales teams use a CRM system to manage their sales leads and opportunities. However only a small portion of them are utilising their data fully to drive higher conversion rates, sales and profit. Become one of them!

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Forge peace between your
Sales and Marketing

Posted by on 18-Jul-2015 in Uncategorised | 1 comment

Forge peace between your Sales and Marketing

Sales and Marketing departments are often at war with one another. Instead of working together towards the same goal they blame each other for poor results. Transparent data is one of the best ways to align these two business units.

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